DARQ The Tower Full Playthrough Longplay 100 ...

2020年3月8日—Assoonthegameloads,presstheredbutton,gototheleftallthewayandgetyourfirst(SeveredHead1).Onyourwayback,beforewall ...,,2021年1月31日—IrevisitedthissurrealisticnightmarefromDARQwheredreamandrealitycouldnotbemoreblurred!!...Aaaaannndifyo...。參考影片的文章的如下:



2020年3月8日 — As soon the game loads, press the red button, go to the left all the way and get your first (Severed Head 1) . On your way back, before wall ...

Vídeo :: DARQ

2021年1月31日 — I revisited this surrealistic nightmare from DARQ where dream and reality could not be more blurred!! ... Aaaaannnd if you liked it- would you ...

影片 :: DARQ

I revisited this surrealistic nightmare from DARQ where dream and reality could not be more blurred!! ... Aaaaannnd if you liked it- would you kindly give me a ...


Lloyd is back to explore the mysterious tower filled with new puzzles and creepiness. Playing this DLC does not require finishing the game.


2020年3月8日—Assoonthegameloads,presstheredbutton,gototheleftallthewayandgetyourfirst(SeveredHead1).Onyourwayback,beforewall ...,,2021年1月31日—IrevisitedthissurrealisticnightmarefromDARQwheredreamandrealitycouldnotbemoreblurred!!...Aaaaannndifyoulikedit-wouldyou ...,IrevisitedthissurrealisticnightmarefromDARQwheredreamandrealitycouldnotbemoreblurred!!...Aaaaannndifyoulikedit-wouldyoukindlygiv...
